
Brand Design

Blockchain.Services -


The Goal

Filament asked for a scalable ecosystem brand that emphasizes the commitment to unity within the Filament ecosystem.

The Filament Logo, a blend of serif font and bold icon, exudes strength and balance, embodying the brand essence. The accompanying icon is a testament to their commitment to unity within the Filament ecosystem with interconnected circular shapes.


The Filament social media channels should echo the spirit of the Filament brand through the integration of circular design elements, captivating colors, and engaging content. It should harmonize with the existing brand aesthetics, serving as a seamless extension of Filament's visual identity while encapsulating the vibrant personality of the brand.

Color Pallet

Filament's color palette mirrors the dynamic engagement of its ecosystem actors, offering versatility and vibrancy. Against predominantly dark themes, these colors inject vitality and a bold contrast, creating an atmosphere that's both vibrant and bold.

Filament Circles

The Filament Circles stand as the cornerstone of the Filament brand's design identity. Each circle symbolizes the unity inherent in the Filament Ecosystem, where diverse individual projects converge. These projects find representation through separated half-circle elements.

When joined together in innovative combinations, these individual forms become the building blocks for an infinite array of shapes and patterns. These dynamic patterns are seamlessly integrated across all communication platforms and within Filament's product offerings, reflecting the versatility and interconnectedness of the Filament Ecosystem.

The Product

Filament Font Stack

The Filament font collection boasts a versatile blend of serif, sans-serif, and monospaced fonts, each serving diverse roles. The distinguished Mata Serif Pro font takes center stage, gracing the logo, and headlines, and emphasizing key use cases. Fira Sans seamlessly blends into the role for longer body text and subtler applications. Meanwhile, Fira Code offers a robust and clear typographic solution for the intricate world of code-related text.

Filament Actors

The filament ecosystem thrives solely through the collaborative efforts of its diverse participants. As such, the Filament brand places a paramount focus on highlighting the individuals who unite to form a cohesive whole. This systematic approach to branding becomes particularly evident when dissecting the logo icons into individual components, each representing a distinct actor within the ecosystem.


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